정부부처 입수자료

일자 제목 출처 첨부
2008-05-09 (IOSCO) Implementation of IFRSs in Emerging Markets 금융위,금감원
2008-05-09 (IOSCO) Examples of enforcement cases 금융위,금감원
2008-05-09 (IOSCO) Current Status and Challenges of Adopting the New Chinese Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises (“CAS”) 금융위,금감원
2008-05-09 (IOSCO) Enforcement of IFRS 금융위,금감원
2008-05-09 (IOSCO) Challenges in promoting consistent application of IFRS on a global basis 금융위,금감원
2008-05-09 (IOSCO) Transition to IFRS: Challenges for Supervisions- A Southern African Perspective 금융위,금감원
2008-05-09 (IOSCO) Behavioral Supervision of: financial reporting and corporate governance 금융위,금감원
2008-05-09 (IOSCO) A Global IFRS for SMEs Will Improve Access to Capital 금융위,금감원
2008-05-09 호주의 국제회계기준 도입사례(호주회계기준위원회) 금융위,금감원
2008-05-09 (금감원 IFRS 학습동아리) K-IFRS 제1019호 종업원급여 금융위,금감원